Tropical Honey Uganda

Tropical Honey

Tel: +256392080719 | +256777364875 | +256756364364

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What We Do

We are passionate apiarists that specializes in beekeeping and honey processing in partnership with rural farmers to inspire commercialization of beekeeping to improve livelihoods through increased revenue generation from beekeeping and honey processing

What We Do

Core Activities

We are a a social enterprise that has specialized in beekeeping and honey processing in partnership with rural communities throughout Uganda


Beekeeping for Sustainable Livelihood and Poverty Alleviation

Beekeeping provides significant reliable income for majority of marginalized communities thus, it is considered to be an important part of livelihoods to people in Uganda .Tropical Honey empower beekeepers mostly women and youth to create assets by using honey, beeswax and other products to make secondary products such as candles, skin ointments and beer or wine. Secondary product brings a far better return for the producer than selling the raw commodity. This work strengthens people’s livelihoods contribute to poverty alleviation.


Enhancing Employability of Rural Women and Youth through Beekeeping

Tropical Honey promote beekeeping as a means of employment and sustainable livelihood for disadvantaged rural women, youth and persons with disabilities in the rural communities. Our goal is create women, youth and persons with disability employment opportunities in apiculture through utilizing low cost and locally available materials to make beekeeping equipment like traditional hives.


Beekeeping for Restoration of the Degraded Ecosystems

Bees are important pollinators and many ecosystems depend on the pollination by bees for their existence and for increasing their genetic diversity through cross-pollination. Bee pollinators strongly influence ecological relationships, ecosystem conservation and stability, genetic variation in the plant community, floral diversity, specialization and evolution. Bees play an important role in ecosystem services (Crane, 1999). Generally honey bees are important pollinators responsible for healthy development of the environment through enhancing transfer of pollen grains which necessitate genetic diversity of different species. Most importantly, Tropical Honey use beekeeping as a practical tool for raising the awareness of these communities on the importance of forests management and for stimulating their conservation by improving their biodiversity. Tropical Honey promote tree planting and environmental conservation awareness because plants produce nectars and pollens which are basis of honey production. This is a point of difference and an important basis for supporting our business.


Training, Business Development, Supply of Beekeeping Equipment and Tree Seedlings

At Tropical Honey, we provide community with training and technical support to set up suitable apiaries, supply of beehives, honey processing equipment & quality tree seedlings and business development6 advisory services.

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